Immersion in Europe

You are welcome to join one of the multiple day Immersions in Europe. From Spain to France and Egypt will follow soon. We take you to the most beautiful places to immerse yourself in a bath with like-hearted people and experience your inner wisdom and strength. The Immersions are at comforting venues where you can feel at home, surrounded by nature.

Feel free to contact me for more details or if you want to tailor which retreats is most suitable for you personally.

Spain: September 2024

Immersion of Expansion

A life changing transformation
into the greatness
of your existence.

September / October 2024 in Girona, Spain

France: June 2024

Immersion into Feminine –
Maria Magdalena retreat

Deeply journey into the ancient wisdom of the feminine 

11th – 15th of June 2024 in Provence Alpe- Cóte D’Azur, France

Can’t join now, but definitely feeling it?

> Connect and stay updated for the events & Retraits in 2024 <