Day events

Breathing in power,
wisdom & authenticity 

Guided by the horses on the sacred land and journey inwards, as you use the breath as medicine. Opening into awareness and consciousness.

7th of September 2024 in Den Bosch,


Journey of JOY & Renewal 

Journey deep into the essential parts of your heart, body and soul. Connecting with your voice and it’s wisdom. As we embark on this journey, we awaken JOY, happiness and deep connection with your inner beauty.

21st of September 2024 in Amsterdam, NL

Breathe into your power, wisdom & authenticity |
7th of September 2024 | Half day event

Den Bosch, Netherlands

We will journey through this special full day event at a beautiful location in nature just outside of the city. A place where nature serves as a safe container to be held, seen and love in the process you enter. From a guided Breathwork & Somatic Healing session with numerous emotional, physical, mental and spiritual benefits, we will continue into the powerful wisdom of horse constellation, guided by Puck. Both modalities really support each journey inwards and expanding your ability to heal and grow.

Join us for a deep journey inwards, working with the power of the breath, the wisdom of the horses and our bodies!

What is Breathwork?
The Breathwork that we offer combines both a Shamanic and a Somatic approach to the healing arts of Breathwork, using a conscious connected breath cycle to quiet the analytical mind and free the body and subconscious. This science-backed technique allows for deep healing of the body and is also a beautiful, natural gateway to altered states of consciousness and spiritual expansion.

Our body remembers what our mind forgets: memories, emotions and trauma. By breathing this deep and connected way, we give ourselves the opportunity to release all that is stuck in our bodies, and all that is not ours to carry. This creates spaciousness and freedom. By incorporating somatic healing, we use movement to release and shift energy in the body. During the breathwork you can receive energetic healing and bodywork. The benefits of breathwork go beyond the session and can create sustainable changes in your life in many difference areas, on the offering page ‘breathwork’ you can read more about it.

Light Lunch break and integration in nature.

Horse constellation and bringing awareness to the space you take vs. need
What insights do the horses show you?
Under the profound guidance of Puck you will meet with her small herd of horses at here beautiful garden. Horses, like all animals, live in the now. In the wild they live in big herds and communicate with a subtle language, which makes them incredibly sensitive to signals around them. By inviting them into your field during a special group coaching session, they will mirror the direct experience of the now. Telling you what is going on in your and our collective (subconscious) field.
Horses don’t respond to who you think you are or who you try to be, but to who you truly are. Meeting with the horses on this layer is always without judgement, they are not attached to the past like us as human beings. The horses can provide you with valuable insights into deep themes. During the session, Alejandro, Sproet and Luna will help you meet whats there to be ready to be seen. We will have two horse session, before and after the breathwork session.

Let’s sink into the wisdom of the breath and become truly aware the space you take and long to have.

*If you have done sessions with Puck, or Florine in the past, we warmly invite you to come and dive deeply within. To dance, sing, feel, meet and expand together in depth. So that we may remember that we are not alone and have the possibility to create a vortex together. If you have done sessions with a colleague of ours, please reach out and let’s connect.


Date: 7th of September 2024
Time: 10:00 – 17:00 hours
Location: Den Bosch, Netherlands
Facilitated by: Puck van der Bergh & Florine Gabriël
Investment: € 188,-  (includes Breathwork, Somatic movement & Dance, Horse constellation, delicious light diner and snacks & tea). Deposited is 77 euro exclusive service fee (Eventbrite). Register via the following link Breathe into your Power.
 After signing up you’ll receive the last information by email.

Journey of Joy & Renewal |
21st of September 2024 | full day event

Amsterdam, NL

This special day is a beautiful co-creation between Florine Gabriel and Nicole Dooper. We are grateful for co-creating a field of togetherness, joy, awareness and authenticity.

This day- event invites you to experience alignment and nourishment into your heart, soul and body. The holistic approach integrates Yoga & Movement, Breathwork, Energy Transmission and connection with your inner voice. Giving voice to the voiceless within. What would your inner song be? What wants to come out of you? Birth and cultivate from within? This day retreat is here to guide you on a nourishing and embodied journey full of magic.

Join and celebrate the joyousness and rejuvenation with like-hearted people. Together we can create change in our inner and outer world.

We will start with Yoga & Movement. From a dynamic yoga practice, combining gentle stretches and mindful movement, so that you may release tension and invigorate your body. Getting in – touch with the richness of your body and its wisdom. Where do you feel contracted or rather the expansion?

From there we will transition into Breathwork as a tool to go into altered states of consciousness. When you breathe in a conscious and connective way, you can access your body’s innate healing power. Our body remembers what our mind has forgotten. Giving permission to release repressed energies from your body and dissolve the parts that are ready to be let go off. It creates spaciousness and freedom from within, as you dive into your unique and personal healing journey.

Journaling, connecting with nature and a delicious vegetarian lunch,

We continue to sink and journey in an extra-long Heart Attunement-energy transmission session to open up even more to the portal of wisdom, creation and expansion into JOY. You will receive from both of us a transmission.

We will continue with Voice Work, where you are invited to engage and unlock your inner voice, express your authentic self, and prepare for the immersive sound journey. Gently closing this special day with a nourishing sound journey. Allowing yourself to integrate and be taken on a serene sound journey featuring soothing melodies and harmonics. Guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and renewal.

Let’s celebrate the wisdom and JOY that you behold!

*If you have done sessions with Nicole, or Florine in the past, we warmly invite you to come and dive deeply within. To dance, sing, feel, meet and expand together in depth. So that we may remember that we are not alone and have the possibility to create a vortex together. If you have done sessions with a colleague of ours, please reach out and let’s connect.



Date: 21st of September, 2024
Time: 10:00 – 17:30 hours
Location: Around Amsterdam, NL
Facilitated by:  Nicole Dooper & Florine Gabriël
€ 199,-  (includes Yoga, Breathwork, Heart Attunement, Somatic movement, Voicework, Soundhealing, Dance, delicious soul food and snacks & tea). Please pay the deposited and be sure of your place (Eventbrite). Register via the following link Journey into Joy & Renewal day-retreat Tickets, Meerdere data | Eventbrite. After signing up you’ll receive the last information by email.

The experience of others

— Annemarie Vissers —

“I absolutely love my sessions with Florine. Her energy, warmth, and her ability to create a safe space where you can be yourself, have helped me to go back to the essence and discover the potential we all have to live a more truthful and happy life.

— Lotte —

“I remember my first Heart- Attunement sessions with Florine. I heard her singing along with the music. It was so beautiful to listen to. I’m so happy with how you express yourself during the sessions and share your voice with the world to hear.”

Can’t join now, but definitely feeling it?

Connect and stay updated for the events in 2023.