Book your ticket

Since 2019 I have met thousands of people in my sessions with different backgrounds, ages and from different countries. What stood out in all these sessions and processes of the participants is, that it takes time. It takes time to open, trust and surrender as a human being. To sink into a safe space and really embody that.

I advise you to take at least 3 – 5 session (Heart Attunement – Energy transmission), so that you really give yourself the space to land in safeness and start your journey into the depth of your being. The session will be held in Dutch, or English, depending on the participants. The duration of session is about 2.5 – 3 hours in total and are given in small and intimate groups.


In which country would you like to participate in a session?

Netherlands   –    Belgium

Heart Attunement – Energy transmission small group session Amsterdam

Upcoming events:

Heart Attunement – Energy transmission small group session Oosterbeek (Arnhem)

Upcoming events:

Heart Attunement – Energy transmission small group session Utrecht/Zeist

Upcoming events:

Heart Attunement – Energy transmission small group session Berlare, Lokeren (BE)

Upcoming events:
– 8th of July, 2024 – starting at 13:30h

I would like to receive more information about the Heart Attunement – Energy transmission private session, or create a small group (7-12 people).