Retreat Italy | Yoga & Energy |


Join us into a deep immersion in the magical nature of northern Italy, for the Yoga & Energy retreat. This wil open you to a different energy awareness modalities, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Yoga and Sacred Cacao.

The Yoga & Energy retreat is profound, but open to virtually all people, even those who have never practiced any of the techniques offered.

Release emotional trauma

A transformative immersion, based on different techniques, to unlock hidden potential, release emotional trauma, remove energetic blocks and stimulate the kundalini energy. We welcome those who want to dive deeper into a sustainable healing process, giving space to a more authentic and centered version of themselves.

All of us, to a certain extent, remain attached to our pasts, through traumatic survival mechanisms which we keep repeating throughout our lives. Letting go is a choice we all have and for some of us there comes a time in life when we feel ready to evolve by letting go of the past and integrating our experiences as adults. Peeling away the layers of limiting conditioning and discovering the potential of our true essence.

This will help you to open into truth and liberation, and bring awareness and exploration of who we deeply are underneath the veils. Within the truth of our heart we are able to connect with the Source. 


We will dive into the world of Kundalini yoga, gong vibrations, meditation, Energy transmissions via Kundalini Acivation Proces (kAP), the fascinating and profound experience of Breathwork for emotional release and at last process guided work and perceptual tools. To start the retreat at our best wehave pla 

All these tools combined create a very complete and effective opportunity to integrate past traumas and emotional wounds, to release stress and unintegrated emotions, to evolve as human beings. To let go of unhealthy patterns and beliefs, to forgive the past and create a new, healthier and more authentic relationship with ourselves. 


We open the immersion on the 3th of April in the afternoon and we will close the circle full of expanding experiences on the 7th of April after lunch. Details will be provided after registration.

Typical daily program

      • Morning yoga, movement or mindful walking
      • Healthy breakfast
      • First group session
      • Delicious lunch
      • Second group session
      • Free time / integration time
      • Heartwarming dinner
      • Free time / integration time
      • Soundbath, meditation, or deep relaxation
      • Restful sleep



Kundalini Yoga

Kept hidden in India until 1969 and known as the Yoga of Awareness, Kundalini Yoga is regarded as one of the most powerful and comprehensive practices for aligning body, mind, soul and spirit. It combines various techniques and tools. It is a technology and an art at the same time. Its power comes from releasing that potential energy, called Kundalini, a latent energy reserve that is represented as a coiled snake at the base of the spine. This great energetic potential, if awakened and brought up along the spine, stimulates and activates all the chakras, rebalancing them at a higher level of awareness.

KY works with kriyas, that is, sequences of postures, mantras and movements associated with particular breathing techniques and meditation. Through the practices, will power is reinforced, the blood circulation is stimulated, the tissues and organs are purified and fortified, the glandular system is balanced, energy unblocked and the nervous system is strengthened.

Breathwork and Somatic Healing

In Breathwork sessions we create space together to move through emotions, (blocked) energy, patterns and traumas. Trauma occurs when we experience a given situation too strongly, too fast, or for too long for our nervous system to fully process and integrate what happened.

All the experiences in this or previous lives, strong or milder, that haven’t fully been integrated, remain present in our physical and emotional bodies even when the mind forgets.

A Breathwork session gives you the opportunity to open, let go, or transform the defensive armour that has been created. When these experiences (or traumas) are integrated, they can be released in the  emotional and physical body. This turns into a medicine to heal yourself.

Process guided work and Perceptual Tools 

In the process-work we will use various tools with several purposes, but focusing primarily on emotional release and vibrational attunement: Breathwork, Bodywork, Somatic Dance, Sacred Sound (gong bath), amongst other tools.

Through these tools and experiences, stuck emotions can be released in a safe way. 

Somatic movement works directly with the nervous system to release chronic muscular tension and pain, which is often a result of trauma, unhealthy patterns and belief systems. It helps you to release, let go and integrate the tension in the nervous system and bring it into a calm and peaceful state.

We will also share profound perceptual tools which will allow you to look into yourself and life from a whole new different perspective, one less biased by society, by fear, by self-centered mind schemes.

Sacred Cacao

We will activate our heart-space through the ancient wisdom of the Cacao. We will dive into the power of this heart- opening medicine and into the layers within ourselves. As we connect with the seed, the ancestral lineages and directions from which we are coming from become clearer and more accessible.


In the free moments of the retreat, you have the opportunity to further deepen your practice into slowing down and easing into what’s moving inside of you. A time to integrate, journal, walk outside and connect to what is in the moment, alone or together.

Delicious food

Homemade vegetarian meals are prepared with love using bio local ingredients to nourish our bodies and souls. The fresh water that is used to drink and cook comes from a spring source at Miri Piri. Menus for different dietary needs are available on request.