Deepening your connection with Source & coming into alignment retreat | 9 – 19th of November 2024 | South Sinai, Egypt

The -Immersion into the Self- is all about your relationship with the divine. You are invited to go within, in silence, depth, in the density and light that shines through the darkness. It is about the willingness to crack open, fall apart and remember your sacred connection with Source.

What happens when there is nothing around you to cling and hold on too, or survive by. Can you stay? Stay in a soundless place and in the unknown mystery that invites you in?

Who are you, when you are not who you think you are?

Who are you when you are not your identity?

Who speaks words of wisdom to you, when you quite the mind?

This journey is an invitation into a speechless space, into nothingness and realizing you have it all within.

The Immersion into the Self will take place on the holy land in South Sinai, Egypt. A place full of guidance, knowledge and the bare truth. A mirror of you.

For more information, please fill in the field below and download the PDF for the Immersion into the Self.
